We Invest in Healthcare Opportunities Created by the 'Silver Tsunami'
The Silver Tsunami is the market opportunity created by aging Baby Boomers who were born After WW II (1946 - 1964) and are currently the largest consumer population in the United States (79 million). They are now retiring at an astounding rate (10,000/day) and consider temselves "forever young" (and active). They love technology and will spend a lot of money for healthcare, housing, gourmet food, cars, travel, entertainment, etc.
Baby boomers ultimately make up the majority of spending in the U.S. economy. That spending power influences business growth, job creation, and other factors that ultimately lead the U.S. economy to flourish.
Now, Boomers are finally able to enjoy an 'empty nest', and have the opportunity to experience 'grown-up' things WITHOUT THE KIDS for the first time in decades.
Of course, everyone wants to live longer, but the Boomer population is driving the demand for new Age-Tech that helps keep them looking good and increases their longevity. The new aging Boomer population is expected to live to 85+ thanks to medical advancements. But they don’t want to retire simply to relax. They want to use this new found freedom to explore the world. They want to travel the world, take up new hobbies, and experience that 24K Magic Bruno Mars talks about.
We are an elite class of investors and exclusive sponsors creating a private capital network that invests in the Longevity Economy
Mega-Trend #1: Boomers Are Doing HALF of All Spending Right Now
Mega-Trend #2: Baby Boomers Spend More Time Online Than Millennials
Mega-Trend #3: Baby Boomers Are Fit and Healthy (and plan to stay that way)
The AARP has branded the Longevity Economy, representing the sum of all economic activity driven by the needs of Americans aged 50 and older, and includes both products and services they purchase directly and the further economic activity this spending generates.
Blue Logic Capital invests in opportunities created by the Longevity Economy - focusing primarily on Age-Tech (products and services that help folks age better), including but not limited to the following:

- Labs & Testing Equipment
- Medical Equipment
- Integrative Medicine
- Home Health Care
- Alternative Therapies
- Nutritional Supplements
- Mental Health

- Smart Workout Equipment
- Sports Medicine
- Health Education
- Health Clubs
- Health Sensors & Tracking

- Alternative Food Sources
- Aquaculture
- Alternative Meats
- Vertical Gardens
- Urban Farming
- Fresh Grocery Delivery
- Precision Agriculture
- Natural Pesticides & Cleaners
- Natural Pharmaceuticals

- Stem Cell Therapy
- Regenerative Medicine
- Cancer Treatments
- Personalized Medicine
- Vaccination Products
- Laboratory Automation

- Eco-Communities
- Smart Homes, IoT, Robots
- Senior Housing, Assisted Living
- Hospitality, Travel-tech
- Co-Working, Co-Living
- Medical & Dental Offices
- Research Facilities
- Edu-tech, e-Learning
- Sensory Technology
Our Investment Strategy
We look for innovative ideas and early-stage opportunities that exhibit the following criteria:

Diversify Your Portfolio with Our Age-Tech Investments
Meet the Blue Logic Capital Leadership Team

- 32 years experience as a successful entrepreneur who has launched, bought and sold numerous companies
- 16 years direct experience in real estate investing and construction
- Family has been in commercial real estate development for 4 generations (over 100 years)
- Founder, General Partner at Blue Logic Capital – VC firm investing in Age-Tech and Longevity
- Founder, CEO of Hallmark Properties – luxury boutique residential assisted living (RAL)
- Owner, President of Signature Renovations – residential home remodeling company
- Co-Authored the book, “Solving the Senior Housing Puzzle”
- RAL Academy Certified RAL Specialist
- RAL Association Platinum Member
- Founder, Publisher, Editor of Columbus Startup Magazine
- Executive Producer of the Ohio Entrepreneur Expo
- Founder, President of Liquid Media – interactive ad agency
- Private investor in dozens of startups
- Bachelors of Science – Molecular Biology, Rhodes College
- Certificate High-Tech Intellectual Property – Franklin Pierce Law School
Hear About Our New Investments First
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